Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Billboard Ads

A collection of outdoor ads.

Not to be grumpy, but...
I only followed a couple of the links, but it appears that many of these are just spec or completely fictional ideas.

I remember, back in a media class 11 years ago, coming up with an idea to spray a (diluted) perfume out of the top of a giant perfume bottle-shaped billboard. Who knew I was so ahead of the times?

Some fun ideas in the link, although it's often a lot easier to come up with a clever concept than to actually implement it...
Several of these, for example, would require the light and weather conditions to be just right in order to get the full effect.

Harder still is convincing a client to pay a gazillion dollars for a single piece of creative.*

And, on top of this is my usual comment: they're fun to look at, but how many actually cause anybody to buy anything and/or think more highly of the advertiser?

I have to admit, though, that some of these are actually really good ideas. I particularly like the Tide example (a new take on the old P&G TV formula of demonstrating the product in action), and the clarity of the Economist "lightbulb" concept.

Enough already, though, with the "let's-put-a-car-on-the-billboard" and the "let's-show-what's-on-the-other-side-of-this-sign" ideas. Thanks.

* Although, let's face it, half the time ads like this are done without a gazillion dollar budget, just so the agency can win a couple of awards.

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