Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sad News For Online Video

In some ways it's a good thing: Nielsen has announced plans to measure online video streams as part of their TV viewing measurements. Finally, traditional advertising types are realizing the value of online.

And maybe this will open some eyes to just how horrible traditional measurement is.
(In a nutshell: TV is a passive medium and ratings are measured through a sample panel of viewers. This combination means that you have to estimate the total audience for a program at a particular time AND you still don't know if that audience are even paying attention to the television or not at that moment.)

But, I'm concerned that this will bring even more 0ver-simplification to online marketing; lowering its uses to nothing more than "fancy TV". It doesn't matter whether content is being delivered through a TV set or a computer -- slapping a short commercial message onto a video isn't very effective, creative, or intelligent. I worry that big agency types are merely going to think "Great! Here's a way to increase our reach by a few million eyeballs!" and start buying up all the online video content as if it were just another TV channel.

What about engagement? What about interactivity? What about depth of information?

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