Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pay Us To Fix Our Mistakes

Air Canada has a policy that if you call their customer "service" phone number to do anything that could be done online, you pay a fee of $25.

Wow. Talk about a bad customer experience.

If I'm phoning, it's probably because:
a.) The Web site sucks
b.) I don't have Web access at this particular moment
c.) I'm not familiar with or comfortable booking or changing or doing whatever else online
d.) Air Canada has screwed something up and it needs to be fixed. In this case, I wouldn't have to pay the fee, but its very existence would just remind me of their anti-customer attitude and reinforce my frustration at needing to call in the first place.

In any of the first three situations, why demand payment from a customer?

I'm sure this policy began as an honest attempt to reduce call centre costs, shifting routine bookings and other common transactions to the Web. But it's so broad that it does more to discourage booking with Air Canada than it does to encourage booking online.

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